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What We Do




Wycliffe gathers as a community for worship onsite or online (Facebook or YouTube) each Sunday at 10:00am to praise God through the spoken word, scripture-reading, and music.  Through prayer, we bring our praise and our concerns, and listen for God's word to us. The sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month.   Worship Guide 


​When you attend worship at Wycliffe, you'll see people in casual attire, as well as suit and tie.  Children begin the service with their family and join in the opening hymn and readings. "Children's Time with the Pastor" follows, and then children are dismissed to their Sunday School classes (pre-K-through 5th).  Nursery for infants and toddlers is provided for the entire service.  If parents prefer, they are welcome to remain in the sanctuary.

Bible discussion group

Christian Education

Sunday School classes for all ages help us grow in faith and understanding of the Triune God (God the Creator, Jesus the Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit as Sustainer), and how the teachings of the Bible connect to contemporary life. 


Classes focus on discussion on contemporary issues as related to scripture, and series-formats focused on book or dvd-studies.  



Art Class

Children & Youth

At Wycliffe, it's our hope that every time a child or teen is at church they have an opportunity to encounter God and know that they are loved.  Children's Sunday School classes share the story of God's love through age-appropriate Bible stories, lessons, crafts, and activities, offered while parents are in worship.  In addition, at various times of the year, a weeknight evening "Kids' Club" series is offered, as well as Vacation Bible School each July.


Youth (middle and high school) meet Sunday evenings for study, fellowship, and service projects led by Pastor Bugg, and have leadership roles in worship reading scripture and assisting the pastor with communion.



Fellowship activities are a hallmark of any church and are particularly enjoyed at Wycliffe.  From coffee & snacks after worship, soup and salad luncheons, world-class chili and barbecue showdowns to sandwich-making for the homeless, the variety of activities provide the groundwork for making connections. 


In addition, outings to creative classes, Tides baseball games, and ice cream sandwich give-aways at outdoor services, bring joy to members and friends.


Service & Mission

Christians are called to service as a response to their faith in Jesus Christ.  It can take many forms and Wycliffe can help you discover what's right for you!  Opportunities include sandwich-making for St. Columba Ecumenical Ministries, keeping the church 'Food Closet' filled for the food-insecure, preparing  'backpack meals' for VaBeach Public School students, Thanksgiving & Christmas Dinner Baskets, Angel Tree gifts for children in need, Hygiene bags for the homeless, clothing and linens collections for migrant workers, and assisting with utility payments. 


Some knit caps for both the homeless and newborns; some give blood or serve as volunteers for Wycliffe-hosted American Red Cross blood drives; the Youth collect 'bet contributions' in our annual 'Souper Bowl of Caring," and the church supports many projects regionally and nationally through the Presbytery of Eastern Virginia.  Do you have an idea for service? We can help get you started!


Music/Worship Arts

Music and the Arts are for everyone at Wycliffe!  Congregational singing is an importnat part of worship, led by the Chancel Choir, the Wycliffe Ringers, the Wycliffe Belles, the Wycliffe Brass, and frequent guest musicians from the Virginia Symphony Orchestra. In addition, "pick-up" choirs featuring all-men, or all-women share a musical selection on occasion (after a quick rehearsal), and children frequently lead the opening hymn from the chancel with rhythm sticks, hand-drums, or twirling streamers!  Occasional Sunday afternoon concerts welcome the community to share beautiful music. 


Other areas for talent-sharing include reading scripture in worship (children, teens, and adults!), weekday recording of the online service, audio-visual tech-management, and those with skills in arts and crafts are important leaders in preparing the sanctuary for the Holy seasons of Advent/Christmas, Lent/Easter, and Pentecost. 


Christian marriage is a life-long covenant, and the wedding ceremony is a service of worship before God.  It is our desire to offer our support as you seek to establish a Christian home and celebrate the joyous start of your marriage with family and friends.


The first step is to contact the church office to set the date and time of the ceremony (757.496.2620).  At that time, full details will be provided.  The service is under the sole direction of the pastor.

Baptism (2).jpg


Baptism is a seal of God's covenant of grace, a reminder that his love claims us in Jesus Christ long before we come to know his love personally.  Baptism signifies the beginning of life in Christ, not its completion. 


We also believe that Christians in other denomminations are part of Christ's body; therefore, we accept baptisms from other Christian churches for those who may be moving to the area and desire to move their membership to Wycliffe.


We believe that infants have the right to this covenant sign, too, and are committed to partner with parents in nurturing children so that they might come to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ.

If you have much faith or little, or wouldn't know where to begin even if you wanted to believe,

you are welcome here.

For Christ does not

hold himself back from us.


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